Maria Francesca Marino Maria Francesca Marino is an Associate Professor of Statistics at the Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications "G. Parenti" of the University of Florence. Her research activity is mainly concerned with the development of novel models and methods to deal with dependent observations. In detail, her work focuses on latent variable models for longitudinal and multilevel observations eventually affected by missingness, quantile and M-regression, model-based clustering and biclustering via finite mixtures. Developing models and related inferential procedures for the analysis of network data is also part of her research activity.Datajournalice Datajournalice is an outreach project that has two objectives: the first is to disseminate knowledge of statistics and demography on social media, providing nuggets of information, guidance on career prospects, and data about the fields; the second is to provide reliable data-driven information, known as data journalism, by utilizing and explaining statistical tools that enable it (such as graphs, maps, indices, programming languages, etc). ADI (Associazione Dottorandi e Dottori di Ricerca) ADI is the only nationwide association representing PhD students and early-career researchers in Italy and has been active for over 25 years. It has more than 30 local chapters and has fought innumerable battles over the years to improve working conditions and pay. The stipend increases of 2008, 2017, and 2022, the possibility for PhD students to receive unemployment benefits, and guaranteed maternity leave and pension contributions are among ADI's biggest national accomplishments. ADI also designs and carries out yearly surveys of the PhD student and postdoc populations to better understand the issues that affect their daily lives. Last year's 11th national survey uncovered a mental health crisis among PhD students in Italy and was presented at the Chamber of Deputies in Rome in January 2024.
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