Statistics and Innovation for Industry 4.0

Statistics and Engineering: Theory, Methods and Applications for Industry 4.0.

The Workshop was organized by the InterUniversity Reseach Center StEering  with the sponsorships of: DISIA, ENBIS (, the Bejing University of Technology, and the Renmin University of China.
It was located at the DISIA: Dept of Statistics Computer Science Applications "G. Parenti", University of Florence, Italy.


Main Topics of the Workshop:

  • Statistical methods for Product Quality and Design
  • Statistics and Engineering: case studies
  • Statistics for the technological field
  • Enterprise innovation  in technology
  • Design for Six-Sigma
  • Data science for solutions in Engineering
  • Reliability and Safety
  • Statistics in Practice
  • Quality Improvement and Six Sigma
  • Brand management
  • Marketing and consumers' behaviour


All the sessions were organized through Invited talks. The 21 invited talks involved National and International speakers, belonging to Academic Institutions and private Companies.


In what follows the Company that participated (through the representative delegates):

  • Esaote SpA
  • CIS- Consulting in Industrial Statistics GmbH
  • Alstom Group SpA

In addition, two Contributed sessions (poster) with short communications were organized.

Following the workshop, a Special Issue on the Scientific Journal Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry (Wiley Ed.) was promoted considering the workshop topics and aims.

 Guest Editors of the Special Issue: Rossella Berni (DISIA Dept., University of Florence), Jesus Fernando Lopez- Fidalgo (Institute of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain) and Geoff G. Vining (Department of Statistics, Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA).

 Special Issue: Statistics, Statistical Engineering, and Innovation for Industry 4.0


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