StEring Interuniversity Research Center

University of Florence
University Guglielmo Marconi – Rome
University of Cassino and Southern Lazio
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”


StEering: Statistics for Engineering: design, quality and reliability.


The Interuniversity Research Center aims to joint Statistics and Engineering, and it is promoted by the following Academic Department:

  • Dept. of Statistics Computer Science Applications  “G.Parenti” (University of Florence)
  • Dept. of Information Engineering (University of Florence, Italy)
  • Dept. of Industrial Engineering (University of Florence, Italy)
  • Dept. of Economics and Management (University of Florence, Italy)
  • Dept. of Engineering Sciences (University Guglielmo Marconi – Rome, Italy)
  • Dept. of Engineering for Enterprise “Mario Lucertini” (University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Italy)
  • Dept. of Civil and Mechanical Engineering (University of Cassino and Southern Lazio).

The scientific-technological aims of the StEering Center can be traced to the following five essential key-points, also from an Industry 4.0 perspective:

  • to foster the comparison and effective collaboration in scientific and technological research among statistics, engineering, and business disciplines at the national level; in particular, to develop the research and the application of statistics in the areas of design, reliability, maintainability, safety, quality and certification, including the dissemination of new business models;
  • to promote in companies, in terms of knowledge and application developments, the collaboration among statistics, engineering, and economic-business disciplines; in particular, highlighting how statistical methodology can be successfully applied and integrated with the technical aspects of engineering, providing practical and constructive solutions to the quality and the reliability of products;
  • to implement integrated planning, management, and control systems for the sustainability and the safety of production processes, particularly food and textile supply chains;
  • to develop research in technology, encouraging the development of statistical methods for quality and reliability concerning the challenges that technical-engineering disciplines can provide;
  • to promote the development of territorial networks among public administrations, companies, the non-profit sector, and stakeholders to implement shared paths of co-design and respond to the territory's needs by using and applying the know-how of statistical engineering and business disciplines.

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