StEering - Webinars for Companies

  1. July 15th, 2021 – 5pm
    Title: Design of Experiments and Robust Design  (DoE-for-RD) 
    Speaker: Rossella Berni - video
    Abstract: The aim of the webinar is the focusing on specific key-points for a debate, starting from basic elements of statistics  and experimental designs.  The webinar, “Design of Experiments and Robust Design,” is the first part; it will be followed by a second in-depth discussion, which will be useful to clarify what skills and tools are needed for applying the robust process optimization, which is widely used, in technology and industry, sometimes without a complete use of theory.
  2. September 22nd, 2021 – 5pm
    Title: Reliability for components and systems
    Speaker: Marcantonio Catelani - video
    Abstract: Starting from the examples of “critical issues” and “points of attention” that characterize the topic, the aim of the meeting is to provide some basic key-points of the methodological and experimental concepts of reliability, for a possible discussion. The proposed webinar, “Reliability for Components and Systems,” constitutes a first event to be followed by further useful insights to better understand the broader context of RAMS - Reliability, Availability, Maintanability and Safety - requirements and performances of some industrial scenarios.
  3. October 4th, 2021 – 5pm
    Title: Business Excellence 5.0
    Speaker: Gabriele Arcidiacono - video
    Abstract: The webinar aims to give a privileged observatory on the topic of Business Excellence: by considering “excellence”   as Global Excellence, which enables the achievement of sustainable results and benefits over time. This approach operates in the technical field of processes (Process Excellence), on the correct knowledge of interpersonal behaviors and dynamics (Human Excellence) and on the most appropriate use of information and digital technology (Digital Excellence). The synergy of these three fields of action makes it possible to structure a Continuous Improvement path that includes processes, people and digitalization and leads to the achievement of increasingly challenging results


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