StEering - Activities


  • June 4th, 2018 - "La statistica e l'ingegneria per il mondo delle imprese" organized by the StEering Center jointly with the Italian part of ENBIS (itENBIS), as  pre-event of the ENBIS Spring Meeting 2018 (ENBIS Spring June 4-6th 2018, Florence, Italy).
  • Interview to prof Rossella Berni by  Esaote (canale vimeo)
  • February 20th-21rt, 2020 - "Statistics and Innovation for Industry 4.0" Workshop organized by the  StEering Center
  • February 8th, 2024: Invited Session “Statistics for Engineering and Technology: New Challenges and Last Developments” (jointly organized with itENBIS, 2nd Conference on Economic Statistics. Speakers: Gabriele Arcidiacono e Francesco Del Pero (University G. Marconi, Rome, Italy); Antonio Pievatolo (CNR-IMATI, Milan, Italy); Luciano Cantone (University Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy).


  • G. Arcidiacono, R. Berni, N. Bonora, M. Catelani, M. Pierini (2018). Interuniversity research center STEERING -STatistics for EngineEring: Design, Quality and Reliability. In: AIAS 2017 International Conference on stress analysis, Pisa, 6-9 settembre 2017, ELSEVIER, vol. 168-173, pp. 168-173.
  • G. Arcidiacono, R. Berni, L. Cantone, N.D. Nikiforova, P. Placidoli (2018). A Kriging modeling approach applied to the railways case. In: AIAS 2017 International Conference on Stress analysis, Pisa, 6-9 Settembre 2017, ELSEVIER, vol. 8, pp. 163-167.
  • G. Arcidiacono, R. Berni, L. Cantone, N.D. Nikiforova, P. Placidoli (2018). Fast method to evaluate payload effect on In-Train forces of freight trains. The Open Transportation Journal, vol. 12, pp. 3-13, ISSN:1874-4478 - Accesso ONLINE all'editore
  • N. D. Nikiforova, R. Berni, G. Arcidiacono, L. Cantone, P. Placidoli (2020). Latin Hypercube Designs based on Strong Orthogonal Arrays and Kriging Modelling to Improve the Payload Distribution of Trains. Journal of Applied Statistics, pp. 1-19, ISSN: 0266-4763, DOI:
  • R. Berni, L. Cantone, A. Magrini, N.D. Nikiforova (2022). Hierarchical optimal designs and modeling for engineering: A case-study in the rail sector. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, vol. 38, pp. 1061-1078, ISSN:1526-4025 DOI:

Talks in Conferences and Workshops

  • “A proposal for multiresponse Kriging Optimization”, ENBIS Annual Conference, June, 27- 29th 2022, Trondheim (Norway).
    Authors: Berni R., Nikiforova N.D., Cantone L.
  • “Procedure for Optimal Design and Modelling in Technological Processes: A Case Study on Freight Trains”, MSMM2023 Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Metrology, May 30th-31st, 2023, Turin, Italy.
    Authors: Berni R., Cantone L., Magrini A., Nikiforova N.D.

Seminars and Webinars 

Invited Lecturers

  • Invited Lecturer July 6th, 2021: Prof. Kamran Paynabar, H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech, USA.
    Title: "An Adaptive Sampling Strategy for Online Monitoring and Diagnosis of High-dimensional Streaming Data"
  • Invited Lecturer March 20th, 2023: Prof. G. G. Vining, Department of Statistics, Virginia Tech, Virginia, USA.
    Title: "Shewhart and Profile Monitoring for Industry 4.0"
  • Invited Lecturer April 30th and May 3rd, 2024: Prof. G. G. Vining, Department of Statistics, Virginia Tech, Virginia, USA.
    Title: "Laying the Foundations for the Design and Analysis of Experiments with Large Amounts of Ancillary  Data Parts #1 and #2"

Industrial Research Project

  • Research Project (2018) between the StEering Center and  Nuova OMPI SrL. Title: " Reduction of the hydrophobic effect on tubular glass vial inner surface through design of experiments and Robust process optimization " – Scientific Coordinator: Rossella Berni


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