Research centres

The University of Florence's has a number of different types of centre: Research Centres, Inter-University Centres (based at the University of Florence; other University; itinerant); Service Centres. For further details, visit the Centres page (in Italian) of the UniFI website.

Research centres with administrative headquarters at DiSIA:


DiSIA also participates in the following research centres:

  • Centro di Ricerca e Servizi Interuniversitario Camilo Dagum on Advanced Statistics for the Equitable and Sustainable Development
  • CERA - Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca per la Valorizzazione degli Alimenti
  • Skills Centre on Big Data, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence CBDAI
  • Tuscan Cybersecurity Skills Centre C3T
  • Cybersecurity National Laboratory of  Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per l'Informatica CINI
  • CEPROD - CEntro di Ricerca PROfessional Development

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