Doppio award per il paper: Rollback Recovery in Session-based Programming

The International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) has given Francesco Tiezzi (UNIFI - DiSIA) and colleagues Claudio Antares Mezzina (Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo) and Nobuko Yoshida (University of Oxford) the DisCoTec (International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques) 2023 Best Paper Award for their paper Rollback Recovery in Session-based Programming. The same paper was in addition recognised with the COORDINATION 2023 (International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages) Best Paper Award.   The work detailed in the winning paper proposes a new reversible computing framework based on session types. The research enriches a language with programming facilities to commit session interactions, to roll back the computation to a previous commit point, and to abort the session. The correctness of the recovery is ensured at design-time (statically) by relying on a decidable compliance check at the type-level, implemented in MAUDE.   Both awards were announced at the DisCoTec 2023 conference, which took place in June 2023, in Portugal.

Doppio award per il paper: Rollback Recovery in Session-based Programming

03 Luglio 2023 (Archiviata)



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