Welcome seminar: "Extended two-stage designs for the evaluation of the short-term health effects of environmental hazards" & "New approaches to the study of individual susceptibility, lifestyle and the environment and their role in human health"

Francesco Sera & Gianluca Severi (DISIA), 3 novembre 2022.


Il giorno 3 novembre 2022, presso il DiSIA, in sala riunioni 205 (ex 32), alle 11.00, Francesco Sera & Gianluca Severi (DISIA) terranno un welcome seminar dal titolo:
Sera: "Extended two-stage designs for the evaluation of the short-term health effects of environmental hazards"
Severi: "New approaches to the study of individual susceptibility, lifestyle and the environment and their role in human health".


Abstract e dettagli del seminario

Elenco dei seminari del DISIA



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