Research Research areasInferential methods for finite populations
Inferential methods for finite populations
In this research area we deal with: Sampling strategies. Methods for the treatment of total and partial non-response. Indicators of representativeness of survey data in the presence of a self-selection process. Estimation methods for small areas. Statistical methods for the incorporation of data from different sources.
Among the specific topics, we are dealing particularly with:
- Multilevel models for small area estimation. Sampling methods for rare, clustered, and hard-to-detect populations. Methods for the case of non-response. Data integration and data quality. Non-probabilistic sampling. Self-selection. Non-response and missing data.
- Design and implementation of sample surveys in all their phases - from sample definition to questionnaire design - for the study of demographic and social phenomena, both at local and national level.
People: Bertaccini, Bocci, Marino M.F., Rocco